Welcome to Sunday Special Edition. Wisdom is said to be the principal thing, that is the most important thing. Furthermore, wisdom is one of the things we are to seek as Christians. Therefore, today I will be sharing on Ten steps to gain Godly Wisdom.
#1. Fear God (Psalm 111 vs.10). The fear of God is to be in reverential awe of God. Reverencing Him in all that you do is a platform to access Godly Wisdom
#2. Please God. Ecclesiastic 2 vs.26. When you please God by the way you order your life and the things you do, wisdom will be released unto you.
#3. Hear God. Proverbs 2 vs.16. You don't say God doesn't speak to you when your bible is closed. God speaks and He speaks all the time. Just like a transmitting station and a radio, you must tune your spirit to pick God's voice.
#4. Look to God. Proverbs 3 vs. 13. When you are confused or in need, the first person to turn to is not man but God. Those that look to God are more enlightened than those that look to men.
#5. Choose God's Way. Proverbs 8 vs. 10-11. His ways are revealed in His word. The more you walk in the Word, the wiser you become.
#6. Be Humble before God. Proverbs 11 vs.2. God is not ready to bestow wisdom on the proud. But on the humble; grace and wisdom are released.
#7. Take God's Advice. Proverbs 13: 10. God's advice often comes from the mouth of people He has placed over you or around you. Following godly counsel or advice brings not just wisdom but safety too
#8. Receive God's Correction. Proverbs 29:15. The way God corrects us is via His word. His Word is the Rod of His correction. So anytime you are reproved by the Word, take it joyfully as it is working in you godly wisdom.
#9. Pray to God. Ephesians 1 vs.17. We can ask God for Wisdom and He will give it to us, His word says 'All that asketh receiveth...' Don't stop asking for it, it can be never be too much.
#10. Know the Son of God. 1 Corinthians 1:30. Christ is Our wisdom and He dwells in us that knows Him. So if you don't know Him personally you have to, so as to gain access to Godly Wisdom.
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©theINSIGHT 2015
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