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Showing posts from July, 2015

I Believe

I BELIEVE by Femi Oguntolu It looks bleak but I believe it It looks weak but I won't leave it It has a lot of foes but it will thrive It has a lot of woes but it will survive I can't see it but I dream it I can't think it but I scream it It looks absurd but I will see it It is unsung but I won't flee it It is the fruitful future of Nigeria. Dedicated to Nigeria; a country in whose future I strongly believe in. ©theINSIGHT 2015 Kindly, drop your comments, contributions and observations.

Relationships; Character Matters 2

Last week, we started a discussion on six pillars of character we must cultivate and build to have successful relationships. I hope you've started building your character on the three pillars discussed, which includes Trustworthiness, Respect and Caring. If you missed last Saturday's edition, just read it up quickly. Today, we shall be considering the remaining three pillars of character. 4. RESPONSIBILITY Many people run away from various forms of responsibility. But for a relationship that will work, both parties must be willing to take various necessary responsibilities that will propel the relationship forward. You must know and do your duty, and at the same time acknowledge and meet your legal (if you are married, or in a contractual relationship)  and moral obligations. Being responsible also requires that you are accountable. Accountability demands that you accept responsibility for the consequences of your choices, not only for what you do but what you don’t do.

Gratitude; Others deserve it too

An attitude of gratitude is one of the keys to attain a great altitude in life. Being grateful is not only to God, who of course deserves all the praise for all that he has done for you but also to people around you who have done you good. Many times we had failed to appreciate the people in our lives who have been there for us at one time or the other. It's expedient that we be grateful to the people who make us happy and better in life for they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom. These people deserves to be appreciated. They deserve your gratitude. They deserve to be celebrated and they also deserve that you do good to them, even if not for anything but for the good they did to you. The story of Nabal and David in the bible is one of the stories that depicts the importance of doing good to others especially if they've been of help to you before. David and his men had delightfully preserved the sheep and servants of Nabal in the wilderness and when it

Relationships; Character Matters

I believe one of the major indicators of wealth is not just good grades, success at work or high intelligent quotient, a key indicator of wealth is relationships. Ask yourself two questions; how many people do I know and in monetary terms, how much are they worth? If you sincerely answer those two questions you will know how wealthy you are. And because of how important your relationships are, either with your family, friends, superior, colleagues at work, and most importantly with your fiancée/fiance or spouse, You have to build your character. It is good for you to know that you shouldn't choose your friends especially someone to go into courtship with by choosing their reputation  over there character, as it is character that lays the foundation for a solid relationship. That's why in building character, both parties must be actively involved, that is, as the other is building his/her character you're building yours too. If one is building and the other is looking, the

Free Yourself ; FORGIVE Pt 2

Free Yourself ; FORGIVE  Pt 2 Yesterday we started a series on forgiving others in the light of the scriptures and we concluded that forgiveness is what you do for yourself to get well and move forward. Today, I will be sharing with you on how the scriptures says we should forgive. HOW WE SHOULD FORGIVE 1. You must chose to forgive:  Forgiving others is sometimes not easy especially when the wrong done hurts deeply but we must chose to forgive. One of the work of the Holy Spirit is to help us therefore, when you chose to forgive the Holy Spirit will help you. 2. You must forgive from your heart. Matt.18:35. Genuine forgiveness is seeing the person next time without having a desire for revenge or dislike for the person. 3. You must forget it and make no mention of it again. Matt.18:35. Even though it takes time for hurts to heal, we must forgive and not make mention or refer to the hurt again. 4. Make allowances for others. Col.3:13. Understand that no one is perfect inclu

Free Yourself; Forgive

Free Yourself ; FORGIVE  Pt 1 Forgiveness is one of the keys to happiness and if there is anything hindering Christians from experiencing God’s best in their lives and walking in Christ abundant provision, it is un-forgiveness. Un-forgiveness is the refusal to let go of offences done to you and at the same time keeping grudges towards such a fellow. The most pathetic aspect of un-forgiveness is that many believers in the church find it difficult to forgive other church members. WHY IS IT NECCESARY TO FORGIVE 1. It is a commandment from God. God instructs us forgive others as many times they offend us. Truth be told forgiving people at times might not be easy but we must do it if we won't be disobeying our Master. (Luke17:3, 4) 2. Forgiving is a proof that the love of God dwells in you. How can you prove that the love of God which is shed abroad in your heart is truly in you if you can't forgive others when they offend you? (2Timothy 1:7, Romans 5:5) 3. To also ob

Monday Morning Motivation ; Attitude is Everything

Monday Morning Motivation (M-Cube) Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. Attitude is simply a mental state involving beliefs and feelings and values and dispositions to act in certain ways. Simply put, it's the way we act due to the mental picture and belief system formed within us. This makes attitude a product of the mind; thoughts. It is how you see the things around you, how you deal with the situations you face, and what you think about life. You've got to listen to yourself. If you sound like "God, my life is so difficult. I will never be rich... Everything works against me.... Everyone hates me...” then, you have a problem. Many times what hinders us from progressing in life and being the best is a negative attitude. A negative attitude is like a flat tyre, if you don't change it you're going nowhere. Even though we can't control the obstacles on our ways, we can control our attitude. If you maintain a positive attitude no m

Compatriots Arise

Nigeria got independence but there is no gain saying that we are still dependent. We kept quenching wild fire of war and violence in other countries yet we are victims of violence and war. A land blessed with an army of workforce but struggling to pay their wages for many months, leaving them and their families to suffer. Our economic growth which was acclaimed to be the best in Africa seems to be just a newspaper headline with no proof. How do we prove this? By economic development. Growth and development are two different things yet inter connected. The effect of growth is development, which is, the infrastructures we have, the per capital income of an household, the quality of education and health care system we have etc. So, can we then say we have literally grown economically? Nigeria is bleeding within and without with everyone promising to help but with no concise action. The disease called 'Boko-Haram' has been ravaging the country and it seems we won't get a

Break New Grounds

Happy new week! As you set out for activities this new week, I want to challenge you to break new grounds and do something different.  Dare to be different. Do something better than the way you’ve been doing it. Someone once said, if people knew what they had to do to be successful, most people wouldn't. Don’t be scared of taking new adventures or trying something new. Many of us know what we need to do to come out with distinctions, be the best employee, be a successful entrepreneur, the best spouse or make a relationship to work. Even we know what to do to have a glorious relationship with God. If we know, then, why wait a little longer? Why procrastinate? Yours might be that you just like to do and follow what every other person is doing. You enjoy moving with the crowd. You are always moving by what others do or do not. Let me echo this to your ears that the man who follows the crowd will usually get no further than the crowd. And the man who walks alone is likely to fin


Happy Sunday to you and sure you had a great time in church today, well that's if you went anyway, *smiles*. On this Sunday edition, MARTHA Mosugu shares with us on 'manna Christians' Sit back, read and be blessed. MANNA CHRISTIANS. (JOHN 6:48-49). Our fathers indeed ate manna and are dead... A lot of us today make reference to the religiosity and self  righteousness of our fathers. We boast about their good works,(most of which of course were done in the flesh). We talk about their commitment in church and the society. All these are not in them selves bad, they simply worked with an idea in their minds, the idea of God. Although some lived a focused life, most of them never really got to know Him personally. They lived as manna Christians and died. Living right and doing good is living the 'manna' life. It is not enough to belong to a church or service unit or group. There's more. That more is the bread of life- Jesus. Just being part of a Christian b


Welcome to another session of medical tips with your number one Doctor, Dr Nshe MD. Last week we started a discussion on Sickle Cell Disease. If you missed it, you can quickly scroll to last Saturday's edition. By now I believe you would still be wondering why the emphasis on SCDx, these are the statistics of the condition in Nigeria; 20 out of every 1000 children are born with sickle cell disease, amounting to about 150, 000 births annually. 16% of under five mortality(deaths) that is 16 out every 100 children that die before age five is from sickle cell disease and 3,500,000 (3.5million) are living with the condition which makes it the most common inherited blood disorder. WHAT ARE THE TREATMENT OPTIONS? Attempts at complete cure are being worked on with bone marrow transplantation offering a way out. Bone marrow is the part of the bone where red blood cells are produced (manufactured) and if you can correct the problem "from source" thereby having RBCs that ar

Relationships: 5 Ways to Apologize

Because we are relational beings we tend to offend others and step on each other’s toe but then if we want to maintain a peaceful life and continue to enjoy our relationship with them we must know how to apologize. And because we are different and unique, each of us has a way of which we want the apology to be expressed. No wonder sometimes we apologize and it seems the other person is not satisfied. It’s not that you didn’t apologize just that you didn’t express it in the language they will understand. You must therefore understand the apology language of the other person in other for both of you to be reconciled. Therefore let me share with you five ways you express apology Expressing Regret: "I am sorry." "I feel badly that my behavior has hurt you so deeply." This language identifies with the emotions of the offended party. Accepting Responsibility: "I was wrong." Name your mistake and accept fault. "I should not have done that. There

Got a Strong Desire?

If you really WANT something you will get it. Desire is a force that cannot be easily stopped. Think about your goal, dreams and aspirations. How bad do you want them ?  Are you willing to sacrifice? Under what conditions will you give up?  If you want something badly enough, then quitting is simply not an option. You either find a way or make one. You pay the price, whatever it takes.Your desire is the fire that heats you up to perform, to excel. How do you then Intensify your desires? It starts by taking a piece of paper and writing down all the reasons WHY you want to achieve your goals, dreams and aspirations. List all the benefits you can imagine. The more reasons you'll find, the stronger your desire will get. Then make it a habit to read your list of benefits every morning, so as to stay connected with your goal during the day. That's all! With this you'll be more motivated and inspired to be all that God puts in your heart to be. Have a strong desire to suc

Amazing July; Advancing Life

Welcome to July!!! Every great man in the scriptures that did exploits for God had one thing in common, the Lord was with them. Talk of Enoch, Abraham, Joseph, Moses, David, and the apostles. But what actually guaranteed the Lord to be with them was that they did things that pleased God always. Jesus said, 'And he that sent me is with me; the Father hath not left me alone for I do always those things that please him' John 8:29 Joseph, Moses, David, the Apostles and others including Our saviour Jesus were God -pleasers. They did things and took steps that pleased God per time. Therefore, as you embark on the journey of this second half of the year, prepare for exploits and supernatural advancement. But then, you need to move from being a Man-Pleaser to God-Pleaser. Do things that Please Him, talk to please Him, Walk to please Him and Live to please. But note, pleasing God comes through the help of the Holy Ghost. Therefore, rely on the Holy Ghost to help you live a