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There is no disputing the fact that many Christians are doing wonderfully well in terms of activities and exploits. The number of people going to church has increased greatly and it will continue to increase. While you will also agree with me that there are numerous churches these days than we had 10-15 years ago. But unfortunately, we have people going to church and not going to heaven. We have succeeded in raising church goers and not heaven goers. Three years ago I came across this scripture, Matthew 7:21-23 in the message translation and ever since I saw it in my diary this year, it has been on my mind to share it with you. It reads,

"Knowing the correct password—saying ‘Master, Master,’ for instance—isn’t going to get you anywhere with me (Christ). What is required is serious obedience—doing what my Father wills..." emphasis mine.

Countless times we've heard obedience preached and discussed and it seems the more we hear, the less we obey. At times I wonder whether it's because the truth is not been preached or we aren't studying the scriptures enough to know what God requires of us. But I found out that both could be the case. Many times we only hear about what we needed to do to prosper and less of what is needed to make heaven. Infact, some Christians boast of how vast they know how to call on God, some even said they are prayer experts; they know where to call on God and He will hear. Good for them. But all these aren't  going to get us anywhere with Christ, most importantly make it to heaven except we obey His commands and do His will.  

 In my own understanding, I realised that salvation is of two essence, the primary and the secondary. The primary essence of salvation is to have a genuine relationship with God through Jesus Christ that gave Himself for us and became our righteousness, given us a right standing with God such that we have eternal life within us in order to live with Him in eternity. While the secondary essence is that we can enjoy all the benefits attached to the primary essence here on earth such as authority, prosperity, success, sound health, protection, dominion and all other good things attached. But what I see is a church that is majoring on the secondary and loosing hold on the primary. We so much emphasize on the benefits; which are not bad on their own that we speak less of what's important, the destination of the soul after enjoying all the benefits of salvation. And here we are, having Christians that are earthly conscious and heavenly/eternally irrelevant. 

The question therefore is, could it be that someone enjoys the benefit of salvation and still loses his/her soul? 
The second part of the scripture gives the answer 
"I can see it now—at the Final Judgment thousands strutting up to me and saying, ‘Master, we preached the Message, we bashed the demons, our God-sponsored projects had everyone talking.’ And do you know what I am going to say? ‘You missed the boat..."

Did you see that? They preached in His name; powerful sermons, fire-raining preaching, soul-lifting teachings, amazing write ups and books. They could give godly counsel like angels. When they dissect the word, your heart leaps. Not only that, they cast out devils, evil spirits and demons. They exercised dominion everywhere. Tongue-talking and devil casting. That's not all. What about the project? Glorious! In fact, they are God-sponsored projects that got the whole world talking and kept them in awe-magnificent buildings, astounding successes and exploits. God might have even given them the resources. What of God-given topics and messages for teachers and preachers that caught the attention of the congregation. God-given principles, God-given miracles and a lot of "God-givens" that got everyone wondering and talking. Unfortunately, all these Christians still missed the boat; Heaven. 

This made me to conclude that exploits in life and ministry doesn't guarantee a place in Heaven.

How I wish we understood this.  We can enjoy all the benefits of salvation, and even be a world renowned in our field, and yet miss heaven. 

Someone might be asking, how is this possible. Well the passage didn't stop there, it further stated

"...All you did was use me to make yourselves important. You don’t impress me one bit. You’re out of here.’"

All they did was to use Christ to make themselves important. That suggests that it's possible to use Christ to get want you needed or wanted and still miss this same Christ at the end. 

So what's the way out?


Obeying God's instructions and injunctions without reservation and placing more value on the salvation of your soul above the benefits of salvation. Remember, ‘what profits a man that gains this entire world and loses his life...’ Obeying His words about Holiness and walking in righteousness knowing assuredly that once saved is not forever saved. Know that the hand that wrote my name and your name in the book of life can also erase it if we keep doing/going against His word/will even though He doesn’t wish to.

There could be a short cut to church but there is no short cut to heaven. It’s either we do it God’s way or we miss it at the end.

God wants us to preach good messages, He wants us to exercise dominion, He wants us to heal the sick and raise the dead.  He wants us to enjoy astounding prosperity and carry out mind blowing projects. He wants us to do might works and acts greater than He did while He was on earth but He doesn't want us to do all these and miss the paramount. He desires that we do His will and all these works and still make it on the last day, when He will say welcome good and faithful servant enter into the joy of your Lord.  That's what I called FINISHING STRONG.



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